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Robot arm


Human-Robot Friendship

A taste of robotics

30-40 minutes

A quick breakdown of the field of robotics (esp. manufacturing), followed by a short "pick and place" workshop. The course will help understanding coordinate systems and robot points at a broad level. This includes grippers and payloads. Thus, teaching the robot at least 2 points in space for repeatability vs. accuracy and robot specs vs. application specs. Lastly, learning to have gripper open and close commands including smoothing out a robot path. 

introduction to python

**How long**
**Content and Description of Course**

Coding Station

basic robotics

pick & place

**How long**
**Content and Description of Course**

basic robotics


**How long**
**Content and Description of Course**

Robotic Arm

advance robotics

plc integrations

**How long**
**Content and Description of Course**

advance robotics

machine vision intergrations

**How long**
**Content and Description of Course**

Warehouse Robot
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